C Diff Cured With Vancomycin Then Took 5 Days Flagyl and It Seems to Be Back Again

Betwixt ane/3 and 2/three of the world's population is infected with the bacteria h. pylori.  Considering that h. pylori causes ulcers and is linked to cancer, this is something that should business the states all!

H. pylori is something which I personally dealt with. Like with many people, I had battled with GI symptoms for years earlier finally getting a diagnosis. I'm happy to say that I am now free of h. pylori and was able to treat the infection without harmful antibiotics.

If you aren't familiar with h. pylori and what it does to the body, I suggest yous first read this postal service nigh how to treat h. pylori naturally. Yous'll desire to become tested for h. pylori as well using a stool test.

Image shows how h. pylori bacteria embed themselves in the tum lining and cause impairment.

The good news is that there is now a examination you can guild without a doctor's order. While I'm a HUGE fan of having a doctor's guidance, I understand the demand to know whether you accept h. pylori or non before you lot invest in a practitioner.

  • USA: Social club the examination here
  • Europe: Order the exam here

Already know near h. pylori and are ready to be done with it? Then read on to find out how to treat h. pylori with diet, including which foods fight h. pylori and which h. pylori foods to avert!

H. Pylori Foods to Eat

Every bit I talk about in my post about herbal antibiotics, plants are pretty amazing things.  Because they tin can't run abroad or fight like animals tin, plants accept come up up with cool means to protect themselves.  Ane style is by producing chemicals.

Some of these natural plant chemicals impale fungi, insects, or anything else that might harm the establish – including leaner.  It is no wonder that many pharmaceutical drugs today were derived from plants!

Below are just some of the many natural foods which tin can help with h. pylori by killing the bacteria or aiding in digestive wellness.  There are a lot of them, so I've only included the ones which are commonly bachelor and have ample scientific prove bankroll them up for h. pylori treatment.

1. Cranberries

Cranberries fight h. pylori in two ways.  Commencement, they contain proanthocyanidins which impale the bacteria. Secondly, they preclude the h. pylori leaner from adhering to the stomach fungus. Remember that cranberry juice you drink should be complimentary of saccharide and additives! (Source)

2. Broccoli and Cabbage

Broccoli and cabbage (equally well as radishes, kale, and many other vegetables) vest to a family unit chosen Brassica.These veggies contain substances called isothiocyanates.  These isothiocyanates, specially one called sulforaphane, are very potent at killing h. pylori. The foods highest in sulforaphanes are sauerkraut juice, broccoli, and broccoli sprouts.  And so add these to your nutrition to eradicate h. pylori. (Source one, two).You lot can purchase broccoli sprouts here.

three. Garlic, Onions, Scallions, Leeks, and Shallots

The potent smell that these veggies produce when you cut them open? The smell actually comes from a potent antibacterial substance which is designed to protect the institute – and can also be used equally a natural antibiotic.  No wonder studies testify that people who eat onions take lower incidence of h. pylori infection!

4. Greenish Tea

Green tea has long been known for its antioxidants which tin boost health.  One more reason to add together green tea to your diet is that studies have shown it fights off h. pylori bacteria and also reduces inflammation.

five. Ginger

Ginger is one of the all-time natural cures for stomach bugs, and its benefits extend to h. pylori infections besides.  Studies take shown that ginger fights h. pylori past 1) acting as an antibacterial agent, two) protecting gastric mucus, three) reducing inflammation, and 4) inhibiting growth of h. pylori. (Source 1, 2)

6. Manuka Honey

I've long been a proponent of Manuka love.  The stuff is wonderful! It contains a natural grade of hydrogen peroxide in it which is great for treating bacterial infections.  Notation that all types of honey practice have some antibacterial properties, simply Manuka beloved has shown to be the nigh potent in studies. (Source 1, two). You lot can purchase manuka dear here.

7. Oil of Oregano

Oil of oregano is something that I first learned about while fighting SIBO.  It contains a chemical called carvacrol which works by destroying the cell membranes of bacteria and stopping them from replicating.  A corking thing about oil of oregano is that it kills bad bacteria while keeping good for you bacteria intact. This is crucial for preventing gut dysbiosis!  Read how to use oil of oregano hither. Buy oil of oregano here.

8. Vitamin C (Especially Citrus Fruits)

Studies take shown that people who have high amounts of vitamin C in their diets are less probable to have h. pylori infection. The reasoning behind this is because Vitamin C is highly concentrated in the tummy mucus.  It probable reduces inflammation and protects confronting h. pylori infection.

9. Fatty Acids (Peculiarly Fish)

Fatty acids don't necessarily kill h. pylori leaner.  Withal, having a loftier intake of salubrious fats helps to reduce inflammation (for more on this topic, read this article about Omega iii to 6 ratio).  By keeping inflammation down, the fatty acids inhibit gastric carcinogenesis. (Source 1, 2, three)

10. Turmeric

Turmeric is one of my all-fourth dimension favorite superfoods.  Information technology is a strong anti-inflammatory, antimutagen, and antioxidant.  Now we tin can add antibacterial to the list too.

Multiple studies take shown how turmeric can eradicate h. pylori infections.  It is thought to piece of work by blocking the shikimate pathway which is required for metabolic production in bacteria. (Source 1, 2, three). Yous tin buy quality turmeric here.

11. Certain Probiotics

H. pylori causes major changes to the gastric surroundings, specially that it changes the stomach'south pH. This in turn causes a change in the gut flora. And, if you didn't know all the same, gut flora is very important to overall wellness!

A probiotic is whatsoever leaner which has positive effects when taken.  In the case of h. pylori, certain probiotics can fight off the harmful leaner while healing the stomach lining and reducing symptoms.

The two types of probiotics which are particularly promising for h. pylori handling are:

  • Sacharomyces boulardii (purchase here)
  • Lactobacillus strains (buy hither)

(Source 1, 2)

Ortho Molecular makes a actually proficient probiotic which contains both of these probiotics, and also doesn't contain whatever prebiotics (which could feed your h. pylori infection) or substances harmful to the gut.You can buy information technology here.

ortho biotic probiotic

Foods to Avoid with H. Pylori

I can't emphasize how of import diet is to h. pylori treatment. Non only could your nutrition be aggravating symptoms, but it could exist causing h. pylori to proliferate!

1. Carbohydrates

Bacteria are living things.  Just like all living things, they need to consume something – and they particularly beloved carbohydrates.  And so, it is no surprise that studies have found that people who eat more carbs take college rates of h. pylori infection.

You can't get rid of carbs completely (healthy fruits and veggies are going to accept some carbs in them).  However, you can brand certain that you become rid of all of those sweets from your diet, ditch bread and grains (which wreak havoc on  your gut anyway), and up your protein consumption instead.

Note that soft drinks are particularly terrible for h. pylori. Studies testify a correlation between soft drink consumption and h. pylori.  Since they are loaded with sugar, chemicals, and preservatives, there is admittedly no reason you should be drinking these! (Source two, 3)

two. Common salt

Salt isn't directly going to feed h. pylori and make the infection worse.  Nonetheless, salt will increment your risk of getting cancer if yous take an h. pylori infection!

Why? The theory is that table salt disturbs the viscosity and integrity of the stomach mucus, thus making it easier for h. pylori to colonize it and cause damage.  And so lay off the salty foods!(Source 1)

3. Pickled Foods

One of the things you'll find beyond zillions of webpages talking most h. pylori diet is that you shouldn't eat pickled foods.

Wait, just I idea pickled foods were good for my gut!

Yeah, studies show that eating pickled foods increase take chances of gastric cancer with h. pylori.  What they neglect to mention is that these are commercially-bought pickled foods that are made with vinegar and lots of salt.

Eating lacto-fermented pickled foods is actually good for h. pylori because they contain good for you probiotics which tin fight h. pylori.  So, go alee and swallow fermented pickles and skip the supermarket ones. (Source 1, 2)

4. Coffee and Alcohol

These ii substances are notorious for aggravating ulcers.  Wait until your stomach heals until you first consuming them again.

5. Foods that Irriate the Stomach

H. pylori amercement the lining of the stomach and cause inflammation. Any foods which further damage the GI tract are going to be terrible for your healing process.

This means avoiding all processed foods, sugars, and gluten — foods which could lead to leaky gut syndrome. When your breadbasket is healthy, it will be in a much better position to fight off h. pylori!

Want to Become Beyond Nutrition for Treating H. Pylori?

While eating the listed h. pylori foods (and avoiding the other foods) will help get your h. pylori nether control, it might not be plenty to eradicate it completely.

I took my h. pylori treatment to the side by side level by using supplements (y'all tin read about it here). Ii of the best supplements for h. pylori are mastic gum and matula tea.

Learn more most mastic gum here, or purchase it now

mastic gum

Acquire more virtually matula tea here, or buy information technology at present

To evidence it that it really is possible, here are my before/after test results.  It feels good to go your GI wellness under control!

h pylori stool test before
Test results before handling
h pylori stool test after
Here are the results of my stool exam after taking matula tea

Take you lot tested positive for h. pylori? How are you treating information technology? I'd beloved to hear from you in the comments!

C Diff Cured With Vancomycin Then Took 5 Days Flagyl and It Seems to Be Back Again

Source: https://hollywoodhomestead.com/h-pylori-foods/

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